Now that you have your definition of success, take a snapshot of it; an Instagrammable picture but with real internal feelings! What do you see? Let’s deconstruct the image into small bites.
I want you to look at the list of everything you see in that mental picture; it might be long and overwhelming. And if not, skip to the last section of this article!
If you have a long list, I ask you to stop lying to yourself. You know, those things you’ve wanted for years but never did anything about? They are causing pain and hurting your self-esteem.
Let’s explore a powerful distinction: wishes versus goals. A wish is merely an imaginary desire that lacks the power to create tangible results. It may inspire you, but it alone cannot transform your life. On the other hand, a goal is a firm declaration to yourself: “This is what I want, and I am willing to do whatever it takes to achieve it.” Goals provide direction and purpose, pushing us to take action in the present.
From that list, choose the ones you are ready to struggle for, strike through the others, and say, not now!
It was so liberating the first time I did that, I realized my mental dashboard was filled with projects that I had never started, every day reminding myself that I should do something about them, but I had no time (or actually, I was not willing to struggle for them and so it was not a priority).
Choose the wishes that will act as leverage to support the achievement of all the others. For example, your health is the foundation that supports all other aspects of your life. That would be a good place to start; just saying.
Now that you have this reduced list of wishes, it’s time to turn them into goals.
Read my other article about how to set goals and achieve them.
Setting goals is only the beginning. We set goals for our future selves, but it is the current version of us that must do the work to make those goals a reality. So yes, now comes the hard part: taking action. Once again, everybody wants to be successful, but only some people are willing to do the work that leads to success.
If you are ready to commit, here is what you can do.