“Knowledge that something exists, or understanding of a situation or subject at the present time based on information or experience” (Cambridge Dictionary)
In other words, being aware means that you know what is going on and understand why it is happening; you are conscious of a problem or issue. It is obviously the first step to any change. Only when you are aware of the situation can you change your attitude, behavior, and beliefs to improve it and ultimately be excellent at anything.
When you are unaware, you don’t question things and accept the situation as a fatality without imagining the possibility of another way. There are different levels of awareness. From being totally unaware (being obese while thinking you are only a bit chubby) to complete awareness (I am overweight because of my lifestyle).
Here is the problem, most of the time, it is easier to be unaware because then we don’t have to do anything about changing the situation. People tend to think they understand themselves more than they actually do. Sometimes we prefer to ignore a problem because facing the truth is hard.
We have indicators all around us: listen to the mirror, the pull-up bar, your bank account, and the scale…They don’t lie. They tell you the hard truth. Maybe it’s not what you want to hear, but it is most likely what you need to hear. Decide to commit to changing what you are not pleased to see, and don’t be a victim of your reality.
You have to hit the breaks to create more awareness in your life. We keep living our lives at 200MPH, but what is the point of going fast if you go in the wrong direction? Increasing your self-awareness is taking the time to think about your life and about yourself,
Be aware of your situation
Where are you today? Where would you like to be? What is missing in your life?
Take this life assessment to have an overview of the different life categories (Quiz wheel of life)
Be aware of your thoughts
What positive and negative beliefs do you have about yourself? What negative thoughts do you tend to focus on? What don’t you want people to know about you? What are your core values? What’s your self-talk like?
Be aware of your emotions
What is triggering you? What gives you the most joy? What makes you happy? Do you understand your emotions?
Be aware of your behavior
Look at your past; can you see patterns? Why do you do what you do? What new habits do you want to have? What should you stop doing? What am I doing that is working? What am I doing that is slowing me down? What could I have done better today?
Be curious, expose yourself to new thoughts, ask questions, or even ask others how they see you! Even better, get a session with a coach!
When you are aware of yourself and your life, you can go to the next step. Let me warn you, as much as increasing your awareness is not always pleasant, taking ownership of your situation is even more challenging. But eh, if it were easy, we would not need to have this conversation.