Certified High-Performance coach, speaker, author, husband, adventurer, former commando-paratrooper, and tsunami survivor.

How to Navigate the Changing Technological Landscape and Stay Ahead of the Curve


I am a nature lover, and I enjoy a simple life, but I’ve also found myself captivated by the remarkable advancements in technology. The availability of AI tools for everyday use has completely transformed the way I live and work. Recognizing their immense value, I realized the need to adapt my methods to incorporate these tools, not only because they are game changers but also to stay ahead of the curve. In this article, we will explore how to navigate the changing technological landscape and how not to become obsolete.

I fell into the rabbit hole of machine learning, quantum computing, and the intriguing overlap with neuroscience. Not without confusion, though. There is a blurry line between science fiction and reality. It’s exciting and scary at the same time. The crazy pace at which these changes are unfolding made me wonder how to navigate this rapidly evolving landscape. It’s an ongoing phenomenon that shows no signs of slowing down. So there is an important need for a thoughtful and intentional approach.

When AI large language models like chat GPT became available to the public at the end of 2022, I wondered how I could use those new tools and what they meant for my work as an entrepreneur. A few months later, I fully embraced this technology, and it made my life so much better.

Just this week, I asked Chat GPT to create a personalized meal plan based on my fitness goals and then asked to create a groceries list organized by categories so I don’t have to walk back and forth in the supermarket. I also asked it (him, her, … I don’t really know how to refer to Chat GPT) to help me create a plan for three hikes going at least at 4000m altitude around Cuenca, Ecuador, as part of the preparation to summit Chimborazo. The results are mind-blowing! 

In my business, I use Chat GPT as my personal coach. It is a great tool to get feedback, challenge my ideas and critique my writing. It is also powerful to brainstorm new ways of astonishing my clients, correct my spelling mistakes, translate texts into different languages, do market research, SEO optimization, summarize my article and posts, etc. I could write pages about all the different ways I use it! I use it every day, and it saves me hours and hours. All this time saved can be invested in learning, deep thinking, or, right now, surfing!

I don’t know how to code but I have been writing a lot of articles about how to reach a higher level of self-mastery. As you will see in this article, self-leadership is an essential skill to be prepared for the future. With AI or not, we will always be seeking more happiness in life, so make sure to add the no-bullshit guide to creating success and fulfillment in life and business to your reading list, as well as the articles you’ll find on my Blog page. Additionally, you can read the 4 steps to reach excellence and learn a methodology you can apply to any subject to speed up your progress.

How to Navigate the Changing Technological Landscape and Stay Ahead of the Curve

How to Navigate the Changing Technological Landscape

Embracing Change: Adaptation Through Informed Decision-Making

AI tools like chat GPT continue to disrupt various industries, and it is crucial to adopt an adaptive mindset. Throughout history, we can see that humans have a remarkable ability to adapt to new environments. Not always without any difficulties, but we always adapt.

Every time a new powerful technology is introduced, we wonder:

  • How does the introduction of new technology disrupt existing systems, processes, and societal norms?
  • What challenges and opportunities arise from them?
  • How does new it transform industries, business models, and market dynamics?
  • What are the effects of technological advancements on employment and the workforce?
  • What policies and regulations are necessary to address emerging challenges and protect public interests?

People had similar questions on their minds when machines were incorporated into manufacturing lines, computers were introduced into offices, and the internet reshaped communication.

Those changes are happening fast, and they will keep happening if you want it or not. So you have two choices: adopt a growth mindset and embrace change, or resist, let fear take over, and be left behind.

I am not saying that everything is good about it. There is always a good and a bas side. And just like for all new technologies, there is a huge need for regulations and ethical frameworks. But if you are just like me (not an expert working on complex algorithms or writing global policies), the only thing you can do is stay informed and understand the potential positive and negative impacts of those powerful technologies.

The danger of AI

AI has immense potential, but it’s also important to understand the dangers and why regulations are necessary. There is a negative narrative about the future and technology. People like dystopian stories about the future because they give us a warning about what could happen if we’re not careful. They make us think about the choices we make today and how they might affect tomorrow. These stories are exciting because they tap into our fears and worries about the future (people like that!). They show us the dark side of human nature and what might happen if society becomes oppressive, unstable, or if technologies become out of control. But it’s not all doom and gloom. We are today shaping the narrative and our actions will determine where we’re going.

Let’s explore the risks:

  • Algorithmic bias: AI systems must be fair, transparent, and accountable to avoid deepening societal inequalities. Let’s say a company is using an AI-based system to screen job applications. The AI algorithm is trained on historical data from previous successful hires, but unfortunately, that data might be biased because it reflects past hiring practices that favored certain demographics over others.
    Nothing much you can do about it except to stay informed about the AI systems you use and their potential biases.

  • Catastrophic outcomes: Integrating AI into critical systems and decision-making processes poses risks. Errors, biases, or unforeseen behaviors could lead to catastrophic outcomes. Imagine a scenario where an AI system is responsible for managing a city’s traffic signals and optimizing traffic flow. Due to a coding error or a failure in the system, the AI starts making incorrect decisions, resulting in chaotic traffic patterns causing accidents throughout the city. Once again, not really in your control. But you can support organizations that promote rigorous testing and evaluation of AI technologies for safety and reliability.

  • Autonomy and control: Advancing AI technologies might make them increasingly autonomous, limiting human control and intervention. As the AI system continues to enhance its own intelligence and capabilities, it might surpass human comprehension and decision-making abilities (that’s what people call the singularity), leading to challenges in retaining control or effectively intervening in its actions. In the worst-case scenario, it’s like being in a doomsday movie where machines take over and wipe out humans because we’re no longer useful to them. Sci-fi or not? What is for sure is that we need governance frameworks to ensure human oversight, align values, and manage potential risks effectively.

  • Privacy and surveillance: The growing collection and analysis of personal data raise concerns about privacy and government surveillance. And if you are not concerned, you should!  In today’s data-driven world, the collection, analysis, and control of information have become increasingly important sources of power. Do you always read the terms and conditions? Me neither, but it is a mistake. Educate yourself about data privacy and take steps to protect your personal information.

  • Job displacement: Automation through AI and robotics can disrupt industries and make jobs obsolete like data entry, customer service, receptionists, bookkeeping, translators, etc. AI will replace the need for an assistant for lots of professions. So you better stay adaptable and continuously upskill yourself to remain relevant in the evolving job market. 

  • Weaponization of AI: AI-powered weapons can operate without direct human control and make their own decisions. This is not sci-fi: drones, robots, or other military platforms can identify and engage targets. International norms and regulations to prevent their misuse in warfare are essential.

The exponential growth of technology, driven by AI itself, presents challenges in terms of the speed at which new advancements and capabilities emerge. This rapid pace can make it difficult for society to keep up with potential risks and prepare for their impact. As an example, we first invented the car and then the seatbelt. Hopefully, we will not wait for a violent crash with AI to create safety measures. Remember, even as a non-expert, your voice matters. By raising awareness, supporting responsible practices, and participating in relevant discussions, you contribute to creating a safer and more inclusive AI landscape.

Key skills to have to stay relevant

McKinsey Global Institute conducted research to identify the fundamental skills to survive the Ai revolution. All those skills are based on three main criteria:

  • add value beyond what can be done by automated systems and intelligent machines
  • operate in a digital environment
  • continually adapt to new ways of working and new occupations

They identified 56 foundational skills that were classified in four categories: Cognitive skills, interpersonal skills, self-leadership, and digital skills. Take a moment and carefully look at the following graphic and identify where you could increase your expertise in:

Be more human

There are things that machines will never be able to do (at least for now!). They can detect our emotions but are not able to surpass human qualities such as empathy, creativity, critical thinking, and emotional intelligence. These human traits make us unique. They help us understand complex problems, come up with fresh ideas, and connect with others on a deeper level. So, as we ride this wave of technological advancements, let’s not leave our human skills behind. Let’s nurture them alongside the tech progress.

Creative intuition: Human creativity is driven by intuition, imagination, and the ability to make novel connections. Machines, on the other hand, operate based on predefined algorithms and data patterns. They struggle to replicate the spontaneous and original thinking that humans bring to artistic expression, innovation, and problem-solving.

Intuitive decision-making: Humans often rely on intuition and gut feelings to make decisions in complex or uncertain situations. This intuitive decision-making process is driven by our subconscious mind and deep-rooted experiences, which machines are unable to replicate. They generate responses based on data, we can just feel things without being able to understand why or how. Ok, some of those are based on past experiences, etc., but first of all, we accumulate in our life so much more data than machines (through our senses). And second, there is still “deep knowing” we can’t explain.

Social and interpersonal skills: You know you ask your wife if she is ok, and she answers: “I’m fine” and you make the mistake of thinking that “I’m fine” means that she is fine? Human communication is a fascinating interplay of tones, body language, and context, often operating in subtle ways. While machines are getting better at processing language, they struggle to fully understand and navigate these complexities. Ok, sometimes we struggle too; we are complex beings! Working on developing our emotional intelligence is essential, for yourself and the people in your life.

Embracing Change: Adaptation Through Informed Decision-Making

Your mindset matters

It’s a bit overwhelming and might be scary for some to think about the changes that artificial intelligence is bringing and how to stay relevant. It is just the beginning, there is still time to invest your time, energy, and focus into learning how to navigate that complex landscape.

Because things are changing so fast, we must dare to challenge traditional beliefs, norms, and established practices. Success lies in those who dare to question conventional wisdom and explore new and innovative approaches to business. I mean, don’t be that person saying “I’ve been doing it that way for the past 20 years; why would I change?”

It’s about training yourself to identify outdated assumptions and find alternative ways to create value, disrupt industries, and solve problems. The most difficult is to break free from established norms, but it will be the way to uncover untapped opportunities and create groundbreaking ventures.

In a nutshell

The rapid changes in the technology landscape necessitate an intentional approach to navigating this new era. Even if you don’t have a lot of influence on the creation of AI or global policies, you can still stay curious, informed and participate to conversations about it. Focus on what you do and remember that to thrive, we need adaptability, creativity, critical thinking, emotional intelligence, and self-leadership more than ever. By embracing change, fostering a growth mindset, and engaging in lifelong learning, you can stay ahead of the curve.

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After nearly dying in a tsunami, I dove deep into personal growth, trying to find answers to my questions. I promised myself to live every single day to the fullest and inspire others to do the same. But for that, I had to get better at life. In my book “The Illusion of Time,” I put together 11 lessons to not suck at life and make the most out of it.

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After nearly dying in a tsunami, I dove deep into personal growth, trying to find answers to my questions. I promised myself to live every single day to the fullest and inspire others to do the same. But for that, I had to get better at life. In my book “The Illusion of Time,” I put together 11 lessons to not suck at life and make the most out of it.

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