It’s not a secret that nutrition directly affects how you feel. Our digestive organs require a lot of energy to function properly. When we eat, the body needs to process all food entering the digestive system. To do that effectively, it has to focus his energy on digestion and slow down the rest.
Feeling tired after eating?
Depending on what and how much you eat, your body will have to do more or less effort to metabolize the food. During our evolution, we developed nutritional dependencies on the foods we could find in nature. We became really efficient at digesting them because those foods became key for our survival.
When we feed our body a good variety of whole fresh natural foods, we satisfy our nutritional requirements and we make it easy for the digestive system. Every time you eat food that recently made its way into the human diet (only a few thousands of years ago, like dairy or wheat), your body has a hard time dealing with it.
Even worse, when you eat processed food containing additives, preservatives, pesticides, colorants, flavorings,…, your body simply does not know how to process it. In the long run, it creates fatigue, inflammation, auto-immune diseases, allergies, skin problems,… The closest you are to a natural way of eating the better your body will function.
Another aspect to pay attention to is the type of food we eat in a single meal. As hunter-gatherers, we mostly had mono meals (a meal composed of one ingredient). The issue is that nowadays we can have 10, 20, or more ingredients in the same meal.
The digestive system is a bit lost, receiving too much information to process different types of foods at the same moment. The result is slow and difficult digestion requiring a large amount of energy which leads us to feel tired and do nothing else but take naps.
Improving your nutrition start first with learning how to give your body all the nutrients required to function well. “Your health is far more determined by you having enough of the good stuff than removing the bad stuff.” – WILDFIT
Action Step 1
Increase the quantity, quality, and variety of fresh fruits and vegetables you eat. Take a break from processed food for a while and see how you feel.